Friday 12 February 2010


Times have changed since the printing of PETROL ended after ISSUE.08 but I always had a feeling it wasn't over. During the summer of 2009 developments were taking place that would mean that PETROL could be reincarnated. Today I continue my role as the editor of PETROL but the magazine has a new owner. PETROL Scooter Magazine is now published under the wing of the Pedstop Group, a group of like-minded scooterists. The spirit of PETROL lives on.

Every day is a new day but today is the start of a new chapter in this thing we call 'scootering'. There have been some technological advances and there's no denying that the digital revolution is upon us, the launch of the all-new PETROL website follows on from the print version of the magazine. Looking back and looking forward, we've revived a number of articles and represented them in digital form. Over the coming weeks and months we'll continue this process to bring you, the reader, a steady feed of all things scooter related to while away those hours during that downtime when you're not out there on two wheels (or three if you ride a Fuoco or MP3).

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank those of you who contributed, supported or helped out in any way during the early years. In typical Yorkshire fashion I'll be celebrating the re-launch with a pint or two in the pub later. You can celebrate too by visiting the website, reminisce the old times and embrace the new. One of the great things about the internet is that it brings people together and what we aim to do with the new website is bring readers together in the form of 'PETROLHEDZ' - an online community for all PETROL heads. Membership is free, upon joining you can access the forum and from time to time we'll keep you informed with newsletters plus details of any special offers or discounts. Every little helps, especially in today's economic climate.

So after months of head scratching, pixel pushing and more than a million mouse clicks, PETROL Scooter Magazine lives and breathes once again. The phoenix has risen. Check out the website today:

New website, new material: If you know of a cool custom scooter that you reckon is worthy of a feature, get in touch. Likewise if you have an idea for an article or you feel inspired and want to contribute to PETROL or there's anything else you want to say, don't be shy, send us an email.

Paul Robinson. Editor.